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Modesty in Islam: An exploration of its principles and practices

Modesty in Islam: An exploration of its principles and practices

Written by: Aqsa Maqbool


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Time to read 3 min

Modesty means “haya” in Arabic which means “Shyness” “Decency” and this word is derived from the word “Hayat” which means life. Haya encourages us to avoid anything considered to be distasteful or abominable and plays a key role in Islam, as it is one of the most important parts of Imaan (Faith). It is a fundamental concept in Islam that permeates various aspects of life, influencing behavior, dress, speech, and interaction.

Why does Allah make “Modesty” a big deal?

We are living in a time where we are constantly exposed to shamelessness, and we are so exposed to it that we are also desensitized to it. We see things repeatedly. Even at first, we did feel shy but seeing it so often doesn't make it a big deal.

When we watch or hear something corrupt or something we shouldn't be exposed to, and it doesn't bother us anymore it is a sign that you have a genuine problem with your heart and your heart is not disturbed by sin anymore. It's a very deep spiritual problem.
If we do not apply modesty in our lives. It can affect our Imaan. It will affect our prayers and our actions in life because we have let shamelessness take over. The language we use, the friends we make, the things we watch and listen to that are indecent can desensitize us and the more spiritually we become bankrupt. Modesty also governs behavior and interactions. We are encouraged to practice humility, avoid arrogance, and engage in respectful communication. The concept of modesty extends to how individuals carry themselves in public and private, emphasizing restraint and decency in actions and speech.
Allah says in the Quran

“These are the ones who, when they commit any indecency and wrong against themselves, instantly remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins - for who will forgive sins save Allah? - and who do not willfully persist in the wrong they did”. (3:135)

We as humans are inevitable to doing sins. We will fall into that trap. But the remedy is to immediately remember Allah and ask for forgiveness.
When we feel bad about something we did, Shaytan comes and tell us “How will Allah forgive you?”. “How can you pray after all that?”. Then we become distant to Allah.

Some advice to help you overcome these obstacles:

Seek forgiveness

Making mistakes or committing sins is okay but not feeling it in your heart that you made a mistake is serious. Allah says, ‘They didn't insist upon what they did”. When you asked Allah from forgiveness but again and again you do the same mistakes then it means there is no doubt in your heart that you are sorry. Seek forgiveness with a sincere heart is the first step.

Be with good company

It is important to look around and see the friends and the people that we hang around with because a real friend is the one that brings you closer to Allah, someone that loves you for the sake of Allah. The ones that will take you to Jannah and friends that give you reminders. If you know you are going to go at places that you know you are going to see inappropriate things, try to change that scene or try to get out of it. Save yourself from situations where you know you are going to fall into these things.

Seek knowledge

Even if we are born Muslims it is important for us to seek knowledge for the truth. Its sometimes our own ignorance until we actually start learning Islam and how it changes our mindset and opens up our heart. It helps us build a close connection to Allah swt.

A hadith that is close to my heart:

Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: “If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge, Allah will thenby make easy for him a path to paradise -Sahih al Bukhari 1409



Modesty in Islam is deeply intertwined with the concept of taqwa (God-consciousness). The Quran and Hadith literature emphasize that modesty is a reflection of one’s awareness of God and a commitment to live in accordance with His guidance. In the Quran, Allah commands believers to be modest in their behavior and appearance as a sign of piety and respect for oneself and others. For instance, in Surah An-Nur (24:30-31), Allah instructs both men and women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty. This directive highlights modesty as a protective measure against moral and spiritual lapses.

Understanding and embracing modesty as a core principle can lead to a richer and more meaningful practice of faith, benefiting both individuals and the broader community. Islam seeks to foster personal development, social harmony, and moral integrity, ultimately guiding individuals toward a more conscientious and fulfilling life.

"Modesty is the foundation of all good character and the source of all virtuous deeds."

Imam Al-Ghazali

Aqsa Maqbool

 Aqsa is the founder of Aqsathecollection. She is a mother and a social butterfly. She can be found attending Islamic lectures or enjoying cozy girl dates over a cup of tea. You can find her on Instagram @aqsa_mac